Thursday, November 5, 2009


Hello I am going to write about about the different challenges between art history and other areas, like to technology, social matters, education.

Art and technology are in relation now, for example, in the films or photography or even exist installations with different technology things for interaction with the spectator. For example in the bienal de video arte in to MAC (Museo de arte contemporáneo) there was a piece very funny. It was a scream where was jumping a girl and on the floor was a little platform where you have to jump in the same time that the little girl, because if you do it your image appear jumping in the scream; it was very funny and interesting.

Art and social matters are so close. Different artist try to make piece of art that show the social matter, for example, social problems, injustice and all kind of situation. The problem is, I think, that the social art can be domesticated easily and finish in a wall for decorated a house. And, a other problem is, no all people understand the piece of art, for example, a piece of art can express different kind social matters but no one see them in the painting –for example.

Art and education. Art can be use for the education, for example, in the school for little kind. The art improve different skills in the children, like to motor function or even for understand the world in a different way. Different studies say that the art make children happier and more “intelligent”, because usually they have good qualifications.

In all this areas exist different challenges, like to improve the art education, or with the social art that need to let know to the other people different kind of things or with the technology. Art and technology need to so close and near with the people, because no all people are comfortable with “technology art” and see something so bad and horrible, just because the like more the typical figurative art… Maybe all need more art education for see all this different areas with other perspective.

Thursday, October 29, 2009


I am going to talk about the sects. I think the sects are appealing for the people because, like the religion, they can find meaning about the world and make an own world. Thanks to this believe the people can find a way for theirs life and have a explanation about the different situation about the world; the believe moves the world and the people.
I don’t think the sects are a threat for the society or the world, but the sect’s people –like to the religion’s people- must have tolerance with all people, even if they don’t share theirs believes. The fanatics, usually, are people with a mind so close that doesn’t respect the other believes.

I have never been in a sect, but I know that there are so many in the big religion, like to Jewish (even there are jewish laypeople) or Islam (there are a lot of different may to understand the islam). So, in fact, the sects are a thing so typical –like to the big religions-. I think that is so necessary –for the believers- remember that Christianity started like to a sect –even there was a lot of different Christianity sects-… So I think that the rejection to the sects it’s for the ignorance of the people and because the Catholic Church did that we have bad thinking about them.

I know two people that are in different sect. One of them, actually, has been in a lot of sect like to “rosa cruz” and others; it’s like a need for belonging. The other guy is in Christianity sect, but ancient Christianity… he is in this sect “thanks” to his family.

So, I don’t like the religions neither the sect, but I don’t think that are bad but in sometime makes close mind people.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Your faculty

Faculty of art needs a lot of new things, like to more money. This faculty is so poor. We can see this in the building, because this faculty is destroying. The faculty of art is at campus juan gomez millas and there are a lot of different carrier and other faculties, like to social science, science. I love this campus, but the general building is awfull because all is fulling down, nothing are working on, and all the erraends are so slow. I hate this situation.

The library in this faculty of art is a shame, because it's look like a poor classroom; even the doors don’t work!!!

Honestly I don't understand why the buildings are like that! But I don't think just because they don't have money.

The good thing of this faculty and this campus, is that there are a lot of diversity, there are people from all places of Santiago, all religions, all kind of people, etc. also, there are a lot of university life, with different seminaries, parties, and activities. But (always there is a “but”), are different details that don’t work, like a notebook , or the grass (honestly we DON’T have it).

If the university fix all the campus and the faculty, we will have a university life more pleasant; we could be sit down on the grass with the trees and its shade all will be perfect. Of course, if we would have a good computers for work and a perfect library, all will be better!!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

What to do and where to go in Santiago


Now I am going to talk about different things and places to go while you are in Santiago.

A foreigner should visit, first of all, Plaza de armas because in this place are so many historic builds like to post office, cathedral, precolombino's museum and so many other. So near of Plaza de armas is the La Moneda palace, the government's house, the Cerro San Cristóbal and Cerro Santa Lucía. Also, a tourist should go to Fine Arts Museum for see the different pictures there are.

A tourist should do, after visit the different places, eat the typical food and drink the typical drinking like to pisco, etc. Also, try to go to parties and night activity; if the tourist is a family, they should go to Quinta Normal Park and ride a boat in the artificial lake.
In Santiago the tourist can know the city on a bicycle.

In my list of thing that you should do/go in Santiago are:
1. Go the historic places
2. Eat the typical food and drink the typical drinking
3. Go to Quinta Normal Park
4. Go to different parties on the night
5. Know Santiago on Bicycle!!

I talked yet about the historic places in Santiago, about what buildings are. About Quinta Normal Park, you can go and do so many things, like to ride a bote, go to the natural historical museum, ride on small toy's car or just be on the glass with the trees!!!! And of course ride and know the city on the bicycle! You can do the bicycle tourist near the Fine Art museum, in the centre of the city and go to Parque Forestal, a park by a Mapocho river.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Avant Garnt

Honestly I don't know so much about the "traditional" avang garden, so I am going to talk about the avang garden film or called to "experimental film". In this semester I have a class about this subject and I like so much, because it's so different in relation with the typical films ("naturalism"), like to the Hollywood’s films.
This kind of films use formal technical more expressive, for make a sensation into the spectators, like to worry, sad, disconcert, etc; it's focus in the aesthetics and doesn’t focus in the story line or with a screenplay.
I don’t know a specific artist on this kind of films, but there is a director connected with this kind of films, called David Lynch. Lynch make films so strange for so much people, because his films don’t have the traditional story line. He has films where he plays with the image and the temporal line; play with the past, present and dreams. Also, he uses technical strange in relation with the realism films, for make different sensations. Sometimes we can lose in the films, because we don’t understand the scene. One films I like so much is “Mullholland Drive”, I had to watch it for one class and try to make psychoanalysis, well, something like that. He has a short film so good, called “rabbits” and it’s so strange and distressing.

Here you can see Rabbits.

Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am going to talk about transantiago, the system of public transportation en Santiago. I think that transantiago is so much better than the last public transportation. It doesn't mean transantiago is the BETTER system in the world, obviously doesn't. With transantiago there are not, in first place, races on the street and now we can pay with a target calls bip.
With transantiago I have had a good experience, but, in all case, I hate the public transportation. It's so disgusting and unpleasant travel in bus, the people; I hate to have to wait the bus, all of this.
When transantiago started I was on the beach, so I don’t know so well how was on the begin but I have the lucky that I can to take a bus around the corner and go to the subway and go everywhere. I know in the begin transantiago wasn’t a good system, because, for example, in someplace the bus wasn’t arrive or the bus was absolutely full. All of this situation can not be accept, because so many people use it for go to the work or whatever.
I think transantiago have two things so good: first, we use the bip and, for that, the drivers don’t have money that could be still; the second thing is that we don’t have races on Santiago.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Education in Chile

I am going to talk about the university traditional education in Chile. First I start with the public education or the traditional education. After that I talk about the private university in chile. Finally I refer about the education in chile in relation with Latin America.
Right now in Chile there are a lot of universities, traditional and private. The older university in this country is Universidad de Chile - UCH-. This institution is 168 years old, I think. Also, there are PUC - Pontificie universidad Católica-, is so older too; this university there is the most important university in the country.
In so many national ranking the best universities there are UCH and PUC; in some ranking UCH is in first place and PUC in second placer or PUC in first place and UCH in second place.
Also the traditional universities there are private universities, and they are so new, for example, are 25 or 30 years old and there aren't the best universities in relation with the traditional universities.
Well, the high education in Chile, in relation with other high education in Latin America, has been ranked in so good place. The universidad de chile is in the 4th place on the best universities in latin america.
Personally, I think that the universidad de chile is the best high education in the country, in relation with the others universities, and one of the best universities in Latin-American.

Friday, June 19, 2009

My future in 5 years

Hi! I am going to talk about my ideal future for the next five years. First of all, I want to finish this carrer... When this happen, I will be 22 years old, so I'll be very young yet :P a younger jaj. I want to go on study in the university, after art's history I want to study Historia in the same university; and after that I want to do my master in oxford, yes I want to do this. But if oxford doesn't want me ¬¬ I'll do my master in Universidad de Chile. But, i'll try to do a master in other country -like to U.K or germany- and live there.
I'd like to live in a other country for know and work there, it will be so cool.

In the job, in five years I hope that i don't have to work jaj, but if I must do it, I'll like to be in places related with the art, like to critic, or in a newpaper, or in a galery or making class :O.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am going to talk about a Ken Robinson's video about the importance of the creativity for the education.

Ken Robinson said that the creativity for the education, it is so important for the children, as to literacy and we should be in the same status; because the people are not only mind, we are body too. So, for example, the dance, the art, the music, etc, is so important for us, for us integrity.

Also, the said that if we are not prepared for to be wrong, we can not be creative and if we aren't prepared for to be wrong, we can not be adult. So Robinson said that the creative is a way for prepared us to be adult.

I am absolutely agree with this, because the mathematics are not all, yes it is important, but not more important than the art education and the creativity.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My favorite subjetc in this semester

I am going to talk about my favorite subject on this semester. My favorite subject is “art and psychoanalysis” with Carlos Pérez. The teacher is so great, this class there are so funny and interesting, but he is a little crazy.
I like art and psychoanalysis because I learned a lot to new things for to make analysis to different texts, for example films, poems, etc. Also we see concepts so interesting and they had helped to me in different class, like to “mneme” and “anamnesis”, concepts related with memory, myths, history and culture; all this topic are so interesting for me.
I have learned about different concepts and topic, like to Sigmund Freud, the memory, the dreams, see films like to text where I can use psychoanalysis and all this can be applied and used in to the art, in the culture and in the people. But apply the work of psychoanalysis is so difficult, because one have to be so focus.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Best in my field

I'm going to talk about who is the best, in my opinion, in my field. I think that one of the most important person in my field is Platón, because he was of the first to talk about "art", but, for him the art is a despicable thing.
Platón was born in V century, in Athenas and he was a Greek philosopher.
Platón made a politic think and talk about de "art". Platón said that the art is bad for the politic because the artist exacerbated the irrationality in the audience. In the text's platon we can see concepts like to "spectators", "inspiration", "art education", "mass communications", different topic that is so important for the theory of art.
I like Platon, but honestly I didn't read so many things about him, but I will read more… one day. I think that he is so important for the aesthetics and for the theory of art, because the different topic that are present in all his texts.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

My best Friend

I'm going to talk about my best friend, her name is Eva Balagué. I knew her when we were at the school, but really we met in the English institute. We met six years ago, when we was 14 years old. We have many things in common, like to talk stupid thing, make funny words for us, laugh, go to eat and talk about us, we live so near. So we have different thing, like to she is Christian and i don't believe in him, but we still be friends, but really we have more in common than differences. Unfortunately now, for the university, we don't have so much time for do thing together, but we still in contact, all time.
I like from her that, when we are together, we talk and do thing so funny, laugh all time and we are confident, and we are crazy.
We do many things together. We go to the cinema, to eat, to buy stupid thing, go to the beach on the summer, and once we went to rode on bicycle.
Honestly we have never a fallen out.
We have so many experiences. One experience is so many funny. When we was in the last year on the school, we and other friends went to my beach's house, and the first night we was in the balcony and the door closed, so we stayed outside the house without keys. Finally, I had to break the windows for come in on the house.

Friday, May 15, 2009

My favourite web site.

I’m going to tell about my favourite web site.
My favourite web site is facebook; I like facebook because I can connect with all my friend and family. The funniest thing is when people upload photograph of to parties or someplace. Also you can label to friends on photographer and comment. Other quality is upload videos or link of a video from youtube or something like that. In this videos or link that you upload in facebook, you can comment too. All time I make photograph’s album with funny pictures, for example, yesterday I uploaded picture to “sponge bob square” and I labelled to my friend on there.
Well, I knew facebook when I friend sent me an invitation into my e-mail. I don’t remember who it was. At the first, I didn’t understand the web site, but when I started to ‘play’ and adding friends in to my list, I understood it.
Now, I see my facebook all dais for have news from to my friends and family.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Alice in Wonderland

I had to upload this video, is absolutly cool; when I saw it just I loved it.
This movie was made by Svankmajer in 1988.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Really, I don't have a favorite piece of technology but now I want to learn to use my digital camera. I couldn't learn to use it 'cause I forgot that I had it in the summer and when I wanted to use it my battery charger didn’t work ): But now the battery charger is fixed and I have to learn how I can use it.

This digital camera was a chrismas' present the last year but I used it just one time.
Well I'm not good using a digital camera, so my life without one would be like my life is now. But I want to learn and I have to remember how to use the camera to have pictures of every funny time with my friends; it's so funny when I see friends' photographs to the parties and myself. With these photographs I can remember old funny times and laughs.
So I have to use the digital camera.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

I am studing art's history and I am in my second year. I am studing this career because i like it... but for to be honest, in first place i wanted to study history and after study art's history. I always thought in study two career. But now, i like so much art's history and when I finish this career i'll study history.

With this career i can work in museum, art gallery, cultural centre, making exhibition.

My favorite class there are "arte y psicoanálisis", american art, and, of course, my english class.

A theory's art have many tools for do his work, like to philosophy, aesthetics and history. And for make exhibitions, other skills, like to know a way to raise money and develop a management.

Monday, April 20, 2009

My last vacation so far away to Santiago, was when my family and me went to Iquique. We went to Iquique in the summer in 2005. When I went to Iquique I was 16 years old and I went with all my family, my brother, my mom, father in-law and grandmom.

It doesn't like so much the city Iquique, but the water's beach is hot. The only problem with the beach is that there are see lyons and little sharks. But the better thing to Iquique, is the weather and the little towns in land; for example Humberstone, the old miner's town and La Tirana.
When I was to Iquique, I went to Humberstone, La Tirana and the other town but a can't remember de name and, I went to La zofri, the tipical "mall" in Iquique. But well, the city Iquique doesn't like so much, I like the little town and the history places and the beach, a little.

Monday, April 13, 2009

My name es Jaime Cuevas I'm 19 year old and i study art history at Universidad de Chile. Now i'm in my second year.
I like the ancient history, the ancient art and a i like the modern art and history. This year I participe in a religious studies in a Centro de estudios Judaicos, it's a funny topic for me. Also, I go to ancient history's class in the university.

This blog was make for the english class for learn a lot to english and i'll try to upload funny things like movies from youtube and pictures from different artist.