Thursday, August 27, 2009


I am going to talk about transantiago, the system of public transportation en Santiago. I think that transantiago is so much better than the last public transportation. It doesn't mean transantiago is the BETTER system in the world, obviously doesn't. With transantiago there are not, in first place, races on the street and now we can pay with a target calls bip.
With transantiago I have had a good experience, but, in all case, I hate the public transportation. It's so disgusting and unpleasant travel in bus, the people; I hate to have to wait the bus, all of this.
When transantiago started I was on the beach, so I don’t know so well how was on the begin but I have the lucky that I can to take a bus around the corner and go to the subway and go everywhere. I know in the begin transantiago wasn’t a good system, because, for example, in someplace the bus wasn’t arrive or the bus was absolutely full. All of this situation can not be accept, because so many people use it for go to the work or whatever.
I think transantiago have two things so good: first, we use the bip and, for that, the drivers don’t have money that could be still; the second thing is that we don’t have races on Santiago.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Education in Chile

I am going to talk about the university traditional education in Chile. First I start with the public education or the traditional education. After that I talk about the private university in chile. Finally I refer about the education in chile in relation with Latin America.
Right now in Chile there are a lot of universities, traditional and private. The older university in this country is Universidad de Chile - UCH-. This institution is 168 years old, I think. Also, there are PUC - Pontificie universidad Católica-, is so older too; this university there is the most important university in the country.
In so many national ranking the best universities there are UCH and PUC; in some ranking UCH is in first place and PUC in second placer or PUC in first place and UCH in second place.
Also the traditional universities there are private universities, and they are so new, for example, are 25 or 30 years old and there aren't the best universities in relation with the traditional universities.
Well, the high education in Chile, in relation with other high education in Latin America, has been ranked in so good place. The universidad de chile is in the 4th place on the best universities in latin america.
Personally, I think that the universidad de chile is the best high education in the country, in relation with the others universities, and one of the best universities in Latin-American.