Friday, June 19, 2009

My future in 5 years

Hi! I am going to talk about my ideal future for the next five years. First of all, I want to finish this carrer... When this happen, I will be 22 years old, so I'll be very young yet :P a younger jaj. I want to go on study in the university, after art's history I want to study Historia in the same university; and after that I want to do my master in oxford, yes I want to do this. But if oxford doesn't want me ¬¬ I'll do my master in Universidad de Chile. But, i'll try to do a master in other country -like to U.K or germany- and live there.
I'd like to live in a other country for know and work there, it will be so cool.

In the job, in five years I hope that i don't have to work jaj, but if I must do it, I'll like to be in places related with the art, like to critic, or in a newpaper, or in a galery or making class :O.

Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am going to talk about a Ken Robinson's video about the importance of the creativity for the education.

Ken Robinson said that the creativity for the education, it is so important for the children, as to literacy and we should be in the same status; because the people are not only mind, we are body too. So, for example, the dance, the art, the music, etc, is so important for us, for us integrity.

Also, the said that if we are not prepared for to be wrong, we can not be creative and if we aren't prepared for to be wrong, we can not be adult. So Robinson said that the creative is a way for prepared us to be adult.

I am absolutely agree with this, because the mathematics are not all, yes it is important, but not more important than the art education and the creativity.

Monday, June 8, 2009

My favorite subjetc in this semester

I am going to talk about my favorite subject on this semester. My favorite subject is “art and psychoanalysis” with Carlos Pérez. The teacher is so great, this class there are so funny and interesting, but he is a little crazy.
I like art and psychoanalysis because I learned a lot to new things for to make analysis to different texts, for example films, poems, etc. Also we see concepts so interesting and they had helped to me in different class, like to “mneme” and “anamnesis”, concepts related with memory, myths, history and culture; all this topic are so interesting for me.
I have learned about different concepts and topic, like to Sigmund Freud, the memory, the dreams, see films like to text where I can use psychoanalysis and all this can be applied and used in to the art, in the culture and in the people. But apply the work of psychoanalysis is so difficult, because one have to be so focus.

Monday, June 1, 2009

The Best in my field

I'm going to talk about who is the best, in my opinion, in my field. I think that one of the most important person in my field is Platón, because he was of the first to talk about "art", but, for him the art is a despicable thing.
Platón was born in V century, in Athenas and he was a Greek philosopher.
Platón made a politic think and talk about de "art". Platón said that the art is bad for the politic because the artist exacerbated the irrationality in the audience. In the text's platon we can see concepts like to "spectators", "inspiration", "art education", "mass communications", different topic that is so important for the theory of art.
I like Platon, but honestly I didn't read so many things about him, but I will read more… one day. I think that he is so important for the aesthetics and for the theory of art, because the different topic that are present in all his texts.