Saturday, June 13, 2009


I am going to talk about a Ken Robinson's video about the importance of the creativity for the education.

Ken Robinson said that the creativity for the education, it is so important for the children, as to literacy and we should be in the same status; because the people are not only mind, we are body too. So, for example, the dance, the art, the music, etc, is so important for us, for us integrity.

Also, the said that if we are not prepared for to be wrong, we can not be creative and if we aren't prepared for to be wrong, we can not be adult. So Robinson said that the creative is a way for prepared us to be adult.

I am absolutely agree with this, because the mathematics are not all, yes it is important, but not more important than the art education and the creativity.


  1. hello!!!!!!
    i'm also agree with him..
    if I was not probably won't be study this

    see you

  2. Hi Jaime, Matematics isn't all, thats trut, but they helps us to work with an especific part of our bains, so it helps a lot when we are growing up...

    SEE YOU!

  3. Im agree too with him, and the matematics are not all but contribute for some capacities in the children, i didin´t have that jajaja.
